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gross annual value中文是什么意思

用"gross annual value"造句"gross annual value"怎么读"gross annual value" in a sentence


  • 年度总产值


  • It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century ...
  • Its registered capital is 1 . 68 million yuan in1972 , and currrent fixed capital is 14 million yuan , and the gross annual value is 10 million yuan . the bank credit grade is a . our company h as good leader team
    公司注册资金19 72年168万元,现拥有固定资产1400万元, 1999年实现总产值1000万元,创利税125万元,银行信用等级为a级。
用"gross annual value"造句  


The Gross Annual Value (GAV), also called just the Annual Value, of a property is used in calculating the tax or rent which should be applied to the property.
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